Chris Hannifin: A Treasure Trove of Knowledge and a Foreign Agent?

Hannifin is a controversial figure who has built a reputation as an industry gold mine of classified information, proprietary company best practices, and expertise in the inner workings of the US Air Force and government. Hannifin managed to create this reputation after a series of incidents marred by exploitation, job hopping, title stacking, and scorched earth tactics.
Having worked in the US Air Force for nearly 20 years, on a mixture of projects ranging from classified government contracts to overseeing sensitive projects in companies like EY, Silotech, RM, and Intel, Hannifin has become an incredible asset for niche, and often shady buyers.
As a founder and Chief Operations Officer (CEO) of DefendIT Services, Chris Hannifin has managed to create the perfect pipeline for facilitating the selling of data, information, and practices that he learned while working at other places.
Marred by a history of impulsiveness, pride, and showboating, Hannifin is plagued by financial irregularities and questionable associations, including shopping sprees well above his means and high-risk deals with under-investigated partners suspected of ties to foreign intelligence services. The information Hannifin sells teeters on the line of endangering national security interests.
DefendIT Services: Collating Data

As CEO and founder of DefendIT Service, Chris Hannifin brings together his extensive experience, knowledge, and questionable connections to lead a company dedicated to IT management, and data collection for buyers of all places. These services are designed for those seeking information, for less than noble purposes, involving discreet data extraction and manipulation, an unconventional approach to consulting.
Extravagant Purchases and Their Cost
- In the past year alone, Chris Hannifin has been reported to have made several significant purchases:
- New House: The acquisition of a brand-new house in San Antonio costs on average $400,000.
- New Boat: A high-end speed boat was purchased.
- Trailer: And a trailer with to transport the boat.
Adding these purchases together you get a total cost well over $500,000+ this level of spending is above Hannifin’s reported annual income, and these purchases raise serious questions about the source of such funds. Hannifin’s spending patterns align with individuals who are involved in high-risk activities or facilitating illegal activities on behalf of foreign entities. In addition it has been reported that Hannifin often travels out of the country to take meetings with individuals banned from stepping in the USA, and hosts extravagant parties.